Graeme Martin: Like a game of snakes and ladders – the struggle to switch on a community battery

Village founder and president, Graeme Martin recorded this podcast with SwitchedOn Australia’s Anne Delaney.

In the first of our series of interviews with community groups installing community batteries, So you want to install a community battery?, we hear from Graeme Martin, the Director of Village Power, on what to do and what not to do if you want to install a community battery.
Village Power has been beavering away to get a community battery installed in the Alphington/Fairfield area of Melbourne for over seven years. They liken the process to a game of snakes and ladders, with setbacks at every turn, because they still haven’t managed to switch their battery on.
Their latest hurdle came two weeks ago when the retailer they’d negotiated to come on board the project dropped them.

Note: You’ll find the SoundCloud podcast link under Graeme’s photo and accompanying text.


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